Sunday, October 26, 2008

What has the FARC learned from US-backed trickery? Nothing! least, not as yet!

VHeadline commentarist Kenneth T. Tellis writes:
When the whole story of the release of the Colombian detainees (hostages) unfolded, the members of FARC were really upset to find that it was a US-Colombian operation that had fooled FARC into releasing the hostages ... just recently the FARC footage of the trick played on them by the U.S.-Colombian Special Forces was shown on TV.

What has FARC learned from this experience in trickery?

Up till now FARC has done absolutely nothing in retaliation. Have they used the experience to their advantage? No! At least, not as yet. Whatever one thinks there is a lesson here to be learned, and that is to formulate plans for beating the Colombians at their own game.

The time since the release of the hostages could have been put to good use, by the training of men and women in a very different tactic.

Train a Special Force of man and women to look like members of the Colombian Army by sabotage and cause chaos in the various cities across Colombia. These (FARC) Special Forces should be made to look like the regular members of the Colombian Army and Special Forces, while their job would be to work inside Colombia giving out false information and at the same time using methods that could cause havoc within Colombia proper.

During World War II, Colonel Otto Skorzeny of the Wehrmacht, a Commando Extraordinaire trained and equipped a German group of saboteurs to infiltrate the U.S. lines, sabotaging bridges, blowing up transports and even reaching Paris, in an attempt to assassinate General Dwight D. Eisenhower the Supreme Allied Commander.

The trick Otto Skorzeny used was to have men trained and dressed exactly like the U.S. forces, and it worked in France. Such an attack within Colombia by trained members of FARC could have the desired results of making the Colombian government insecure and possibly ripe for an internal coup d'etat.

  • Of course closer to our time we have the Viet Minh and the Viet Cong that not only infiltrated the government of South Vietnam, but brought about its downfall in April 1975.

History has now given FARC a grand opportunity to bring about the downfall of the Uribe Velez regime in Colombia and it is now up to them to follow through with a plan of action.

Kenneth T. Tellis


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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