Thursday, October 30, 2008

Former Canadian Ambassador: Scoundrel governments (Venezuela?) are finding it much harder to ignore arbitration hearing awards

VHeadline commentarist Kenneth T. Tellis writes: Yves Fortier former Canadian Ambassador to the UN made the following statement to the Tampa business leaders in 1991, that Saddam Hussein has to go, and added that "Hussein believes in the law of the jungle, rather than the law of civilized nations."

Now Yves Fortier says "scoundrel governments (Venezuela?) are finding it much harder to ignore arbitration hearing awards."

Now let's think about both those statements alluded to by Yves Fortier and take them at face value.

The first statement on Saddam Hussein states that "Hussein believes in the law of the jungle, rather than the law of civilized nations." I now ask Monsieur Fortier whether he suffers from selective amnesia. Has he not overlooked something here? Of course he has. That in the very province that he hails from, Quebec believes in the very same law of the jungle, rather than the law of civilized nations.

But, I go a little further and quote the first paragraph of his article.

The first thing employees noticed when a stream of military vehicles pulled into a Venezuelan mining exploration camp in the late fall of 2001 were the automatic rifles carried by dozens of National Guard soldiers. The other was the government notice ordering everyone off the site. Perhaps Monsieur Fortier can give us a better explanation for the reasons why Quebec's Language Law Bill 101, is any different to both the above practices?

The Quebec Government sends its LANGUAGE INSPECTORS to charge and fine people for putting up signs in any language other than JOUAL (French patois). These Quebec Government LANGUAGE POLICEMEN arrive in force to uphold Quebec's Language Laws, which can rightly be considered the law of the jungle, rather than the law of a civilized nation, that he had the audacity of accusing Iraqi President Saddam Hussein of practicing.

But being a quebecois, Monsieur Fortier forgot to tell us that Quebec's Language Bill 101, is already in violation of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights that was signed by Canadian Ambassador John Humphrey, on behalf of Canada on December 10, 1948 at the United Nations in New York, USA, in the presence of Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt.

Thus whatever Monsieur Yves Fortier has penned earlier is certainly not worth the paper that it was written on.

Kenneth T. Tellis


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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