Thursday, September 25, 2008

NAOS (The Portal): The New Age Of Socialism commentarist Kenneth T. Tellis writes: First we saw the collapse of the Sovietism in the early 1990s and the Capitalists were overjoyed that they had proven that the Soviet system was a failure, indeed it was true, but only because it had been hijacked by dishonest men like Josef Stalin et al.

The Capitalists while trying to prove that Sovietism was a failure did not look within their own system.

Capitalism went from corruption to corruption and finally the rot that had set in exploded. The collapse of Capitalism was not long in coming, but come it did with a BANG.

The recent failure of stock market and the billions of dollars that had to given to them to prop up their economic failures is proof positive that CAPITALISM has also failed dismally.

All those big-wigs that were tied to the markets had lived in style hoping that they could live like this forever. When they found out that they system that they had been using was an abject failure they soon began to worry. Can one imagine the chaos that set in with the failure of Freddy Mac, Fanny Mae, AIG (American Investors Group) and many other investors and business houses has now proved that CAPITALISM was a sham and a failure far worse than Sovietism.

But now who exactly is going to pay the piper for these corporate bums? Why has the Bush regime bailed out these stock market gamblers with money from the ordinary taxpayers of America. These Corporate Execs that lived in the high style of millionaires were again being bailed out by the taxpayers; the ordinary or average taxpayer was expected to bail out these spendrifts that had run the country to the ground economically. So all this is what is called the FREE MARKET system, which those in the business house gamble away the country�s future and then ask to be bailed out.

It should really have been called the FLEA MARKET system, because that is where it really is now.

When it came to living in a grandiose style no expense was spared by these Capitalist gamblers. They never gave any thought to the burden carried by the ordinary citizen on the street, because they could not be damned with those poor suckers. But when it came to paying the piper, it was expected that the money would come out of the pockets of the ordinary Joe and Jane to pay for the luxuries that those higher-ups could still live in opulence. In other words the ordinary man and woman now had to pay for the upkeep of those that exploited them.

The Corporate heads that lived high off the hog are now expecting to be bailed out by those that they had exploited. You the ordinary man and woman on the street were expected to chip in to pay off gambles taken by these Capitalist schemers. You could not live in such high style yourself, but those corporate heads could, with your money. That is the irony of present day Capitalism.

The Corporations not only exploited the American people but the world has gone on a new tangent. They wanted that UNIONS be dissolved so that there would be no protection for workers. That government has no laws protecting the wages of those in the industry. No minimum wage laws and no healthcare protection for workers. That meant that a worker could be paid a few cents and hour and could not complain. This is what Capitalism is all about. The exploitation of those most in need of protection from corporate thugs all over the world.

Now we know why those UNION leaders were killed by hit-men hired by Corporate Execs in Colombia. These Union leaders were looking after the welfare of the workers, which meant the right to decent living, but the corporate heads of those companies were angry and felt the need to resort to assassination as a means to control the wages of their employees. The workers of Latin America were expecting a better life, but got slavery and servitude instead.

Yes, were watching the unraveling of Capitalism throughout the world. Now is the hour when SOCIALISM must come to the fore and take over from the failure of CAPITALISM. So far the Socialism is proving that it is both humane and caring. Take a look at countries now under socialist governments that have given a new meaning to citizen and taxpayer. Those who think that they are entitled to live off the spoils of the citizen are now coming to terms with the reality of socialism.

Look at those who have lost their life savings and also those who cannot pay their mortgages, they had borrowed to the hilt, because banks had advised them to do so. Now, future generations of Americans will be left destitute and not have the means of survival.

Why isn't the Bush regime considering aiding them as they have opened up to aid the Corporations?/i>

Kenneth T. Tellis


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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