Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Crystallex, CVG-Minerven news blackout blamed for uncertainty at 'nationalized' Revemin mill in El Callao!

VHeadline Venezuelan News reports: Complete lack of information on the part of the Canadian transnational Crystallex and officials from the Venezuelan Guayana Corporation (CVG) gold mining subsidiary Minerven are being blamed by Sintra Revemin union leaders Marcial Gonzalez and Denys Ramirez for a continuing state of uncertainly even though the takeover of Crystallex' Revemin mill in El Callao by the Venezuelan State is in an already established fact.

The problem is that Revemin employees have been told absolutely nothing about what will happen to their jobs.

Sintgra secretary general Marcial Gonzalez says "the workers have had very high hopes but they remain somewhat disturbed because the whole process of the takeover has not been explained. We have just been told that the company is now in the hands of the Venezuelan state, but many are wondering what will happen to those who have spent many years in the company's employ ... add to this the uncertainty inasmuch as some company representatives have said that the mine is almost exhausted. We want information on the company's continuity now that it has been passed into Venezuelan state control."

Gonzalez says that although more than 50% of the clauses in a collective agreement (between Crystallex and the union) had been approved, the discussions have not produced any increase in wages for workers, and that each time the subject is broached the discussions break down.
"We believe that Crystallex had wanted to extend the collective agreement and to try to optimize work at the mines, but now that we are in full transition to State control, there is no longer any compliance incentive for Crystallex and it is the workers who are apparently left to suffer in the disruption of this whole process of transition. The workers thought they were on the winning side with the idea of the company moving into the hands of the State, because it guarantees them participation and some job stability in State ownership."

Sintra Revemin secretary, Denys Ramirez, says that former Crystallex employees are now waiting to be given details of the 'nationalization' process ... "CVG-Minerven president Luis Herrera has told us that the takeover is a fact and that Revemin is now part of the Venezuelan state ... we welcome this 'nationalization' because the workforce believes in this appropriation and say that the workers had called for it ... we will continue to discuss the collective contract with the Venezuelan state and that it will surely bring more benefits to the workers and job guarantees by the State. However it is something of a source of irritation that we have had no explanations from official sources or the liaison committee ... they have not held any meetings with the workers to explain anything about the 'nationalization' of Revemin."

For the time being, the CVG-Revemin labor force is alert to any information and is engaged in a series of shop floor meetings to try discover what the process of nationalization means to everyone in El Callao.

VHeadline Venzuela News


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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