Friday, July 25, 2008

The United States of America is now perhaps more dangerous to friend than foe

VHeadline's Washington DC-based commentarist Chris Herz writes: Chile walks the tightrope. She lives ever precariously suspended over the chasm of imperialist sponsored military rule. Her options, even under the "socialist" government are always limited. Now her pegging her currency to the dying US dollar, and doing everything else the Washington bureaucracy demands has caused a 9.5% rise in inflation thus far this year.

From here in Washington, so far as I can tell, we are seeing the collapse of the world economic order led by the USA since before World War II. The longer others attempt to protect US interests ahead of their own, the worse they will be damaged in the economic blizzard which is upon us.

And obedient Chile will be one of the first to go under.

Meanwhile we see a full-court press booming the visit of Barack Obama to Berlin. He is attempting to repeat the speeches of John F. Kennedy and of Ronald Reagan in the German capital. This in the manner of Hollywood movies, where we have sequel upon sequel.

In 1962 Berlin was surrounded by the Soviet Empire; her existence guaranteed only the presence of the NATO garrison. Naturally Kennedy was rapturously received. Likewise with President Reagan's visit just before the implosion of the USSR when this US president exhorted the USSR to "tear down this wall!"

Of course by then the Soviets were well along the path to losing the ability to defend that wall.

Germany and the other nations of the European Union are today almost paralyzed with fear for the loss of the US military shield which supposedly kept the Soviets from invasion. Of course we now know for certain that the USSR was never in any sort of condition to invade Western Europe -- their whole order of battle was actually plainly deficient and visible even in those days to US officers who had the right to survey East Germany at will.

What this shield was then and is now really all about is a partnership between the countries of old Europe and the USA to conquer markets and resources in Africa, Asia and especially Latin America. Soviet power was only necessary as an excuse, a maskirovka, for the operation of repeated onslaughts against the global South.

Most often these were successful.

Persuant to this traditional policy, with their cruelty tempered only by their incompetence the Bush regime have severely damaged the US economy and polity, and thus its ability to field the necessary repressive force for the operation of corporate empire. And perhaps more importantly, to bribe national elites in its subordinate nations: Those like Chile's Bachelet and others who in the past have chosen collaboration with Washington over the principled defense of their own nations are finding the expected profits gone glimmering.

In Europe, the people supporting Sarkozy in France, or Merkel in Germany, made the same costly miscalculations. And they are frantically rallying around Obama in hopes that something might yet be salvaged from the wreckage of the corporate order.

But its my educated guess the damage is terminal. Not because of anything we few US leftist dissidents are doing, but merely because the corruption within the ruling elite here is so extreme here that the financial trainwreck cannot be halted. But what do I know, I'm just another freelance writer, and as we have been reminded, empire makes up its own realities. I do know we are in for an interesting time in the coming years.

Anyhow, the farther Venezuela moves from the Empire, the better off she shall be ... the United States of America is now perhaps more dangerous to friend than foe.

From the imperial capital,

Chris Herz

Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.

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