Friday, April 25, 2008

Will the CIA Kill or Oust Ecuador's President?

What’s the CIA doing infiltrating Ecuador’s military intelligence systems? Good question! Maybe it’s because the CIA still fears the threat of communism. Don’t forget that that was the apparent rationale for the U.S. government’s support of Operation Condor, the campaign of assassination and torture co-sponsored by the brutal regimes in Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay, Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru during the 1970s. Don’t forget also that many of the brutal military personnel in those regimes received their training at the U.S. Army’s infamous School of the Americas, famous for, among other things, its torture manuals.

1 comment:

  1. If the CIA which is a fifth column operating in Ecuador manage to kill President Rafael Correa, then Latin American countries can have a field day seeking out CIA operatives within their borders and executing them immediately without recourse to a trial, because that is the standard policy of the CIA itself.

    Remember even Dr. Ernesto Che Guevara did not get a trial when he was captured in northern Bolivia in 1967, he was executed on orders of the White House sans trial.
